
50 years old

Lives in London

Theres is the thing i'm not everyones cup of tea, but I'm a normal person who loves my little dog (SHITZU) and going out to socialise/dancing in a nice place. I do like my own space and would respect anyone else who lkes theirs. 1 would love to fill my life from time to time with someone special.I love going on holidays to the sun, threatre in the westend, walking the dog and I love a romantic night in with the right person. I work hard all week (have to because its my business and no-one else is gonna do it for me) and party hard all weekend well most of them. I'm engergetic and always on the go. .Was in a relationship for 19 years three years ago.I am described by friends as one of the kindest, nicest people they have ever known( not to sure if they were intoxicated when they made that statement). I just want to be happy in life and dont intend on living alone forever. So if your bored now i can only apologise for taking up so much of your time, if not say hello I dont bite (I leave that to the dog hee hee).just a little update, As flattering as it is I DO NOT DO WOMEN and for the men that have to show their meat and two veg forget its not my scene thanks.

Member Details

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: London
City/Town: London
Age: 50
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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